About Blue MoonbBlue Moon was founded by Michelle McKee Baker to provide the best possible pet care for your animals while you are away from home. Blue Moon distinguishes itself by providing you trustworthy, flexible, reliable and affordable care! We are proud to have serviced the Columbia community for over 10 years.
Blue Moon Pet Sitters has a City of Columbia business license, is insured and bonded, a member of Pet Sitters International and we can provide references upon request. [email protected] "Pet owners who use a service like mine are looking for someone they can trust with a beloved member of their family. People put a lot of trust in me, and in turn I care for their animals the way I would want my own animals to be treated." -Michelle McKee Baker (Owner) |
Services-In home pet care
-Midday visits -Administer medication -House/ plant care -Bring in mail, paper & packages -Take trash to street -Peace of mind |
Areas we serviceShandon, Rosewood, Downtown, USC, Hampton HIlls, Heathwood and surrounding areas